Did you know that you could finance many common household electronic items without having a credit check run? Many people dont realize this until they take a few minutes to think about it. Places like Rent To Own and other buy here pay here businesses are set up to sell a wide range of things including electronics to people who either have poor credit or dont want their credit run for other reasons.
Some of the things that you can finance this way include desktop computers, lap top computers, televisions, cameras, DVD players, game systems and radios. As a matter of fact, just about anything electronics related that you could think of is probably available.
Here is how most of these places work. You bring in proof that you have an income, usually in the form of pay stubs from a job, a list of a few people you know with their phone numbers and sign a contract. Some places require a down payment while others dont. You then make weekly or bi-weekly payments until the item is paid off.
While this all sounds pretty good, there is a catch. You usually end up paying a great deal more for whatever it is you are buying than if you were able to just walk into a store and pay for it. You will pay a finance charge plus usually a bunch of other fees, A quick way to see exactly how much an item is going to cost you is to multiply the amount of each payment times the total number of payments. Then subtract the actual cost of the item and you can see how much borrowing is going to cost.
Here is an example. If your payments are $20 a week for 20 weeks, the total amount that you are paying is $400. If the item sells for $250, then you are paying $150 in interest and fees. This can get pretty expensive, so make sure you understand all of the fees and terms before signing a contract.