Finding a credit card that advertises high credit limits is not a very difficult process. However, getting a credit card with a high limit is a lot more difficult these days than it was in the past.
A year ago, before all the credit crunch problems began, credit card companies gladly handed out very high limits to consumers. Over the past year, though, the number of credit cards advertising high credit limits has decreased significantly. Despite the reduction in advertised credit limits, it is still possible to get initial credit lines of $10,000 to $25,000 if you have good credit. Unfortunately, theres a little glitch in the process.
We contacted every major card issuer to inquire about credit limits. We found some issuers that offer very high limits and others with average to low limits. Despite these differences, every single credit card company we questioned provided the same answer to the $25,000 question. That is, when asked what the credit limit wed receive was, we were told that the only way to find out your credit limit is to complete the application.
No matter how high your credit score or how clean your credit report, the credit limit you receive from a bank will vary based on a wide range of internal factors. These secret recipes for determining credit limits also vary widely from bank to bank. For example, one bank may only deem you worthy for a $5,000 credit limit, while another may offer you $15,000. The basic deal is this: apply first, get your credit limit later.
On our website, we list offers from credit card companies that advertise their credit limits. Unfortunately, you wont know if you were approved for a high limit credit card for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
Fortunately, there are a few maneuvers you can make to get the available credit you want quickly. The first option is to apply for two or three cards that advertise high credit limits. When the cards arrive in the mail, activate the card or cards that offer you the best deal on interest and the right credit limit. If you desired a $10,000 credit limit and you got approved for two cards with $5,000 limits, than you could use those cards together to meet your needs.
Ultimately, getting a high limit credit card takes a little patience and the implementation of a strategic approach. Applying for multiple credit cards is, in our estimation, the best way to get the credit limit you need on a credit card (or credit cards) with the best rates and terms.